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Press Releases


Construction Underway on $4m Senior Center

Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects was commissioned by Washington County, Maryland and their Commission on Aging to renovate a 20,000 square foot armory building complex in Hagerstown into a new, state-of-the-art senior center.

The new facility will include activity spaces such as a dining room, craft room, fitness room, health room, lounge, and meeting rooms. It will also be the new home to County Commission on Aging offices.

Murphy & Dittenhafer anticipates a spring 2015 construction completion on this $4 million project.

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Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects is an award-winning architectural firm that focuses on planning, interior, and architectural design projects involving new construction, renovation, restoration, and adaptive reuse for historic properties, churches, urban housing, nonprofit organizations, higher education, and libraries. The firm’s offices are located in York, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland. Visit their website at



Murphy & Dittenhafer Commissioned for Mitchell Courthouse Renovation

Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects have been contracted by the Baltimore City Department of General Services to create two new courtrooms within the historic Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. Courthouse in Baltimore City.

Murphy & Dittenhafer expects to complete the design and construction documentation by Fall 2014, and anticipates that construction will be complete in Summer 2015.

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Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects is an award-winning architectural firm that focuses on planning, interior, and architectural design projects involving new construction, renovation, restoration, and adaptive reuse for historic properties, churches, urban housing, nonprofit organizations, higher education, and libraries. The firm’s offices are located in York, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland. Visit their website at



Murphy & Dittenhafer Coordinating Plans for Former Griffith-Smith Building

Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects has been commissioned for design/planning work for the property at 45 West Market Street, the former Griffith-Smith menswear store.

Mashugana, LLC, who has executed an option to purchase the vacant and condemned building from the York City Redevelopment Authority, brought Murphy & Dittenhafer on board for architectural/engineering/site planning services to tear down the two-story rear portion, extend the existing parking capacity, and renovate the three-story, 6,914-square foot main section of the property.

Mashugana is in the process of securing a tenant for the building, but the entity envisions a street level restaurant that would add to the growing list of dining and retail amenities in downtown York.

Planning is underway for this West Market Street redevelopment project. Construction bids are being reviewed and a contractor will be selected in the near future, with an anticipated construction start in August or September.

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Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects is an award-winning architectural firm that focuses on planning, interior, and architectural design projects involving new construction, renovation, restoration, and adaptive reuse for historic properties, churches, urban housing, nonprofit organizations, higher education, and libraries. The firm’s offices are located in York, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland. Visit their website at


Code for the Body