When an office layout no longer works, Lisa Clemens of M&D Interiors steps in to figure out the “puzzle” of reconfiguring a workplace layout that functions well.
Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects is helping Harford and Frederick counties create the guidelines for protecting and preserving historical sites and properties.
“These projects can be a catalyst of change for a whole block,” says Amy Trexler Mantay, Chief, Community Planning Baltimore County. “A small business might struggle to do this on their own, but together, we can help them move things in a positive direction.”
Architect Pete Colello of Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects has a personal connection to Medard’s House in New Cumberland, where his aunt is the executive director.
No one can tell the story of York’s Black history better than the people who have lived it, says Bobby Simpson, CEO of Crispus Attucks. Boxes that contain that history, stored in the basement, could soon be part of a bigger vision.
The Bain 50+ Center was the busiest of Howard County Maryland’s 50+ centers for older adults. Hopes are high that it will be welcoming its older participants soon.