Murphy & Dittenhafer Leading Bloomsburg University Steam Plant Green Energy Conversion

Murphy & Dittenhafer is the architect for the $11 million project to convert Bloomsburg University’s coal-burning steamplant to a wood chip-burning biofuel plant.

Murphy & Dittenhafer is working with RMF Engineering (York, PA) on this specialized, “green” sustainable project, providing architectural services for the building renovations and expansion required for the new systems and equipment. The new University bio-fuel plant will be designed to allow visitors to tour and learn about this new technology.

Murphy & Dittenhafer is currently developing the building architectural design concept for this project , with construction slated to begin in late 2015.

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Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects is an award-winning architectural firm that focuses on planning, interior, and architectural design projects involving new construction, renovation, restoration, and adaptive reuse for historic properties, churches, urban housing, nonprofit organizations, higher education, and libraries. The firm’s offices are located in York, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland. Visit their website at




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